November 27
Safety Express 1-3680 Odyssey Dr, Mississauga, ON L5M 0Y9
Upon successful completion of the test, receive a Shaw Total Care certificate of completion for each technician and employee. Firms get a website referral from Shaw Total Care.
Carpet Training Outline
Introduction to Shaw Industries,Who we are and what we do.
Our mission with Shaw Total Care.
Introduction to carpet fibers,making the right choices based on
your total cost of ownership.
Carpet Cleaners speak out!
Compression Studies
Interim Maintenance
and Deep Cleaning
- Proper equipment and
- Scheduled maintenance program
- Cleaning Science 101.
- Soft water advantage.
- Role of detergents and surfactants. PH and Chemistry
- Benefits of R2X.
- What NOT to use!
Problems and Solutions
- Dry Soil.
- Refractions role.
- Soil capture and removal.
Preventive Maintenance
- Dry Soil
- Refractions role.
- Soil capture and removal